Why do people get Stress and Anxiety and ways to stop it

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety and ways to stop it

Emotions are those things which every people had and they show to each other but every emotion is not good some are those type of emotion which is unnecessary for us but sometime we feel low and because of that we get sad then we feel stress and anxiety by which every people suffer but nobody wants stress and anxiety in their life so why do people get stress and anxiety? some big incident or various challenges and pressures may trigger stress and anxiety to people’s majority time this is the reason behind it.

They can be come of any thing which may trigger your sad emotions but there are some various cases where people with their certain personality types feel anxiety without any incident or anything. They started bad thinking, regaining bad memories and their feet begins to tremble where something bad can be happen around them and by them. So, there are some major conflicts about this let’s dive into this!

There are some common reasons why do people get stress and anxiety:-

1. Life Events

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

Due to some life events people take stress and anxiety, many life events happened in everyone’s life which force them to take stress and anxiety. There are many aspects of this:-

  • Job Loss – When have people have fear of their job or when they have uncertainty about their future/promotion tension arrived.
  • Changing places – Sometimes it is also challenging to adapt new places when some circumstances arrived and people have to relocate their locality.
  • Relationship Issues – Conflicts within relationships whether with your family or loved ones will cause stress and tension.

2. Work Pressure

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

Work pressure is one of the most common reason of people’s stress and anxiety where everyone try to obtain out of the box for themselves and then sometime only achieve stress and anxiety.

  • Workload – Excessive workload can affect your mental health as well as physical health.
  • Expectation – When expectation does not met or exceed tension occurs.

3. Health Concerns

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

From stress and anxiety everyone affects their health but the point is thinking more about your health concerns also lead to anxiety.

  • Worries about Health – Concerning more about your health or the health of your loved ones will significantly lead to stress and anxiety.
  • Medical Issues – Medical checkups, test and many medical procedures can be stress inducing.

4. Family and Relationship Issues

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

This issue is always the major aspect of releasing stress and anxiety, when we got on an argument with our loved ones it always got so intense and become the reason of one’s stress and anxiety.

  • Conflicts – Disputes or disagreement within families or in relationships always becomes a source of stress and anxiety.
  • Caring – Caring your loved ones with your full potential can be demanding and stressful.

5. Trauma

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

Past bad experiences always give ongoing stress and anxiety. Events like accident, abuse, or something else, trauma is the only element that can give you ongoing stress and anxiety for a lifetime.

Ways to deal with Stress and Anxiety

Now we are going to know the ways to deal with your stress and anxiety that how one can reduce and get rid of his/her stress and anxiety. The 5 most effective ways to deal with your stress and anxiety are:-

1. Relaxation

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

Relaxation is the best way to deal relax your body, empty your mind, find peace take some rest it will also provide relaxation to your muscles. Meditation is one of the best way to achieve peace and body full of relaxation, practice to keep your senses alive.

  • Deep Breathing
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Muscle Relaxation

2. Physical Activity

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

Doing physical activity will also reduce your stress and anxiety, whereas experts says that this is the best way to deal with stress and anxiety. Regular exercise and spending time with nature will fill you with full of energy and excitement. So, activities like jogging, swimming, yoga etc can be beneficial, sunlight can be also beneficial as well as physical activities.

  • Exercise
  • Spending Time with Nature

3. Healthy Lifestyle

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

Having a balanced diet, scheduled sleep can help you to reduce stress and anxiety. Consume rich diets like fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats, prioritize getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep which is very beneficial to mental health as well as physical. Avoid sugar, caffeine which will exceeds stress and anxiety.

  • Balanced Diet
  • Sleep
  • Reduce Processed Foods

4. Positive Thinking

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

It is the most important aspect to challenge negative thoughts because when there will be no problem at all but stress and anxiety could be occur because of your thinking so you have to focus on things you are grateful.

  • Stay away from negativity
  • Gratitude

5. Emotional Support

Why do people get Stress and Anxiety

This is the best way to deal with stress and anxiety, although we all want emotional support at some stage but due to lack of support we fail to deal with stress and anxiety, personally I will tell you to give and support your close one that emotional support which they need in their critical situation.

Stress and Anxiety are common things which can be experienced by anyone but if these things are ongoing then it can be problematic but you can deal with by knowing why stress and anxiety is there for you and by following the ways which I mentioned above you can easily deal with it.

Read More: Why Powerful Relationships/Love got Failed in 2023

Note:- Image Source: Google(Wallpaper Cave)

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