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How Apps Steal your Data?

Apps potentially steals data through variety of methods and process. While not all apps are involved in this theft but majority of the apps are responsible for stealing data however your important data will be stored in each and every apps, the fact that can’t be changed. But stealing and storing data are two different things although some apps does not stole data but some are, however the real question is “How Apps steal your Data“?

It’s essential to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect your personal information. There are several ways of data stealing like phishing, data scraping and inadequate encryption etc. Today we are going to discuss that what are the common ways by which apps can steal your data.

Ways To Steal Your Data:-

How Apps Steal your Data

1. Permission abuse

Apps required permission to run and perform as your preference. However each and every app want permission and without permission they can’t able to run on Mobile. Basic permission is somehow negotiable while some apps may request excessive permissions, allowing them to access more data than necessary. They can then collect, store, and misuse this data.

2. Data scraping

Data scraping (web scraping) is the process of extracting information of data from websites or web-pages. This is typically done using automated software or scripts, some apps may use web scrapping and without your consent. This scraping include personal information, such as email address and phone numbers.

3. Inadequate encryption

Encryption is the process of converting data into a secure and unreadable format (cipher text) to protect it from unauthorized users. When encryption is inadequate, it can lead to data breaches, information leaks, and privacy violations. Hackers or malicious actors can exploit these weaknesses to steal your data.

4. Malware and spyware

A malicious software designed to infiltrate computer systems or devices with a harmful intent. Some apps are designed as malicious function as spyware and contain hidden malware. These apps can secretly collect information from your device, such as text messages, call logs, and personal files.

5. Data sharing with third parties

Some apps shares your date with third parties like companies or websites for marketing and analytics purposes. While this might be mentioned in app’s privacy policy that your data will be shared to third party but how can be your information will getting used will be questionable.

6. Phishing and social engineering

Some apps or their websites use phishing techniques to trick you into providing personal information or login credentials. They can impersonate legitimate services, requesting sensitive data under false pretenses.

7. Accessing cached data

Apps can access cached data left behind by other apps, potentially exposing sensitive information stored in these caches.

How to protect your Data from Threats:-

1. Review app permissions – See what permission the apps want, not provide them unnecessary permissions or access.

2. Install apps from trusted sources – Stick to official sources for downloading apps like google play or app store as they have security measures for malicious behavior.

3. Read privacy policies – Check/Read the app’s privacy policy to understand how they handle your data.

4. Keep your apps and OS up to date – Keep your apps up to date. Regular updates often include security patches.

5. Use security software – Install reliable antivirus and anti-malware apps on your device as a security which will prevent threats.

6. Be cautious of suspicious links and downloads – Avoid clicking on unverified links or downloading files from untrustworthy sources. Do not open links from any unauthorized sites or apps which will trap you further.

7. Use strong, unique passwords – Protect your accounts with robust, unique passwords to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

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Image Source:- WallpaperCave

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